Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Meaning of Life? Yea, Right!

Sometimes, I sit around and wonder exactly what we might be here for. I used to be religious, but I really am not anymore. I spent countless hours in church, trying to do what the Bible said was right, trying to be the best person I could to keep myself out of that firey pit of Hell. But now, I wonder what all those hours are worth. I think that us as humans are so prone to try to find meaning in everything, and when we cannot find a meaning, we just make one up. We turn to religion, because it gives us a chance to believe that there is something better to come. I don't know if we do this because we really believe that there is something better or if we do it so that we can make it through every agonizing day. Because, let's all just go ahead and face it: Life really sucks. Things never turn out the way that they should. The amazing things that happen to us come back to bite us in the ass. The people we love hurt us, whether on purpose or unintentionally. And the worst part is that we spend all of our spare time looking for some rhyme or reason, or just something that will make all of this suck a little less. But I still haven't found it. I still have not found a purpose or a meaning in all of this. And I don't think I ever will. And although it would probably shock all the people I used to know to hear this: I don't think that church does anything but make life a little worse. And I'll tell you all about that another time.

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